Pexp-2 is a 2HP expander module for Pamela's NEW Workout offering additional dedicated fixed clocked outputs. Extend Pam as a master to clock external gear with a super solid MIDI dedicated clock outputs. Pexp-2 features 3.5mm jack type midi clock output and a x24 clock and run jack outputs. The jack outputs can be used to sync a second Pamela, derive a Din Sync output signal via an ALM D.S.G or adapter cable. The 3.5mm jack can be switched between differing 3.5mm MIDI configurations by reversing the jack connector on the rear of the module. Matching the connector indicator to the ‘*’ on the board will work with Arturia devices whilst reversing will work with Korg and Make Noise.
Use extra fixed jack clocked gate outputs to free up Pamela outputs for more exotic modulation dutys.
Connects too, and Powered by, expander header on rear of Pamela’s NEW Workout. Only a single expander is supported at any time.
Key Features:
- 3.5mm jack socketed MIDI Clock output
- MIDI wiring orientation switchable (for differing 3.5mm wiring setups)
- Buffered x24 & run jack outputs
- Skiff friendly
- Power: Additional 25mA (Pexp-1) to 15mA (Pexp-2)
- Size: 2HP
- Depth: 38mm
The expanders work ONLY with Pamela’s NEW Workout! not the original Pamela.
Got questions?
Head to our contact page or give us a call on 02 9449 8487 and our friendly team will be able to assist you.