Kenton’s Modular Solo is a high-end MIDI/CV converter with lots of additional functions. The module looks like a Eurorack version of the Pro Solo. However, it offers some nice additional features like clock divisors and more flexible auxiliary outputs.
Key Features:
- 1 V / octave, 1,2 V / octave and Hz / V modes
- CV, gate, aux and clock outputs
- A 16 bit D/A converter guarantees rock-steady pitches
- CV and gate signals can be fed to the Eurorack system bus
- MIDI-DIN input and output respectively thru channel
- Selectable MIDI channel
- The MIDI output can be used for DIN Sync 24 equipment
- Fine tune and scale parameters editable via software
- Transpose option (+/- 12 semitones)
- Editable pitch bend range
- Gate output can emit V-trig or S-trig signals
- Multiple and single trigger modes
- Editable note priority (low / high / last)
- Portamento with fixed rate and fixed time modes
- Auto Portamento mode
- Four programmable aux outputs
- Two independent clock outputs (5 V or 10 V)
- LFO with nine waveforms and routing options (Destinations: pitch, aux output)
- Separate controllers for LFO to CV and LFO to aux
- LFO offers sync and reset options
- Clock outputs can work with 1 to 12, 24 or 48 PPQ
- Setups are stored in non-volatile memory
- MIDI monitor mode
- All parameters are controllable in real-time via SysEx
Got questions?
Head to our contact page or give us a call on 02 9449 8487 and our friendly team will be able to assist you.